Open-ended site development
June 6, 2010
Update: As of August 2017, this site is no longer managed with Drupal.
It is instead a static HTML/CSS site updated by hand.
The reasons for this are explained in
About this site.
Drupal is still a very cool tool,
just overkill for my present purposes.
One of the very cool things about Drupal is that it is possible to
launch the site and develop the site structure as you go. This is
facilitated by a couple of key features of Drupal.
- Visibility of pages or stories can be controlled by the item's
(node's) published/unpublished status. This is enough for me, as the
site's sole administrator, to control whether items are visible to the
public. On Drupal sites that have many contributors, you might have to
use Roles and Workflow to manage the visibility of content.
- Visibility of menu items can be controlled by the enabled/disabled
switch on each menu item. This allows me to develop the site structure
but keep it hidden until it is ready to go public.