This is an archive of original digital content produced by Kalle Nemvalts. Content from other sources is acknowledged as such. Please feel free to download materials for noncommercial use, under the licensing restrictions described at the bottom of this page.
projects 2024-2025:
Latest studio recordings.
Hollander Quintet 1981 remastered:
Unreleased album by the Rick Hollander Quintet (aka RH Factor), recorded April 1981
in Garden City, Michigan.
Lunar Glee Club Live
at the Ann Arbor Art Fair 1984:
LGC at the Eclipse Jazz Stage, July 1984, remastered.
Lunar Glee Club
Live at Depot Town 1984 remastered:
Recording of a live WEMU radio broadcast from Depot Town,
Ypsilanti, Michigan.
Lunar Glee Club
Studio Session 1984 remastered:
LGC studio recording originally released on cassette.
Lunar Glee Club Live at the Blind Pig
1984 volume 1 remastered
Lunar Glee Club Live at the Blind Pig
1984 volume 2 remastered
Lunar Glee Club Live at the Blind Pig
1984 volume 3 remastered
Studio Tracks 2021:
Progress on unfinished tracks from the archives, and some new projects to come.
Pandemic lockdown tracks:
Original tunes remastered here for streaming.
2020 Studio Album:
Recent ambient or generative tracks.
Another take on Euclidian rhythms:
Some commentary on Euclidian rhythms in computer music,
with unpublished material from 1987.
Generative music procedures made possible by new software tools.
My dad would have been 101 this year.
Well, not this year but June 2011.
My dad, Karl Nemvalts, lived the last third of his life in Freeland, Michigan,
from the 1950s to the early 1970s.
In my memory of that time, Freeland was small-town America,
where everyone knew everyone else.
Where my dad directed the school band and the church choir
and taught German at the high school.